Sunday, October 2, 2011


Here are the standards we will be focused on for the next 3 weeks of class:

6.3.1  Recognize the origins and meanings of frequently used foreign words in English and use these words accurately in speaking and writing
6.5.8  Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details
6.6.4  Use correct capitalization

6.6.5  Spell correctly frequently misspelled words (their/ there/ they’re)


6.3.2  Write and use formulas with up to three variables to solve problems

6.2.3  Multiply and divide decimals

6.5.10  Add, subtract, multiply, and divide with money in decimal notation
 Mid-terms were sent home last Wednesday, you should have seen your student's by now.

I have seen a date set for Parent/Teacher conferences. It is the Wednesday before break, 10/26/11. I will let you know when I have more information!

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